All are Welcome!
Please feel free to join us on any Wednesday night (indoors in the winter, outdoors in the summer). The only qualification is that you must know how to belay and tie-in safely as we do not provide training. If you plan on coming out with us for the first time, please shoot an email to ctclimbers@gmail.com, or contact us through our about page, so we will know to look for you.
Weekly Climbing Etiquette
If you own a rope, bring it
If you bring a rope, set it up
If you don't own a rope, think about getting one or ask for a top rope anchor
If you don't know how to set an anchor, ask an experienced person for instructions
If other climbers are at the cliff, let them know they can use our ropes
If it appears you are the last climber on a rope, ask, then breakdown the setup
If ropes are dropped, don't ask, just coil
When done, go to Sax's Pizza
Environmental Etiquette
Since we as a group have an impact on the environment, we would like to do something to help. Please bring a small plastic bag with you when climbing with us in order to pick up any litter along the cliff and trail area.
No can, bottle, plastic container shall go to the dump while the CCM is on watch.
On all CCM trips every effort shall be made to collect and take to recycling metal & aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic containers whether they are deposit returns or not. Please look for or ask for the recycling bin at every CCM trip and or event.
In addition CCM will no longer supply Environmentally unfriendly paper plates & plastic utensils, bring your reusable supplies.